A Medical Marijuana Documentary

Please support our fundraising efforts. By partnering with us to make this film you will be helping us to spread the word about the amazing nutritional and medical benefits of cannabis that will literally save lives. Please make a donation today!
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Another way to support this project is with a monthly pledge which gives you access to behind the scenes footage, exclusive uncut full length footage of our interviews BEFORE anyone else can see it!
Check out our Patreon page for more info:
Fundraising Incentives include:
Digital Downloads & Autographed DVDs of the finished film.
Exclusive DONOR ONLY tee shirts
Swag Bags
Exclusive access to DONOR ONLY content
Watch unedited full length interviews with our experts (see what doesnt make it into the film)
Special DONOR ONLY interviews
Executive & Associate Producer Film Credits
Exclusive Premiere parties
AND MUCH MORE to be launched as part of our crowdfunding campaign in the fall.